Moved the HF stick

David McKenzie kb1fsy at
Fri Aug 21 17:31:37 EDT 2009

So i picked up a "heavy duty" antennacraft fold over tripod at radioshack
for about 35 bucks and moved the HF stick off the deck and onto the garage
roof. As i was rerouting the feed line, I noticed that something apparently
ate through it and it was completely severed! No idea how long it's been
like that but very annoying indeed. I got the stick up just as the storm was
rolling in so no time to wire up a temporary jumper yet. One of these days
I'm going to need to borrow someone's analizer so I can fold it over and
tune it up properly for all the bands it covers... a couple of the WARC
bands are 2:1 and could be much better.

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