[450] Iightning strike

john.foege at gmail.com john.foege at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 18:49:03 EDT 2009

After some investigative work here, I figured out exactly what happened. Here is a rundown. A critical thing to keep in mind is that there a loop of wire that runs around the house for the dogs' invisible fence.

The lightning strike occured about 5-10 feet from the loop where it transits the driveway. This, then, induced a large over- voltage in the loop. It completely torched the invsible fences surge loops supressor and the outlet is was plugged into. Fried the garage door opener that is plugged into that outlet in the garage as well. This is all one the same circuit as our living room, which includes the cable modem and router etc. The router fried and managed to take out the ethernet card on the modem and my computer upstairs. Hence no internet.

Now, for the ICOM. Because of the new HF antenna that Dave and I installed, there is a run of mini-8 that runs from the icom out to the treehouse in the woods. This coax runs on the ground right over the fence's wire loop. So, this obviously induced a surge into the coax which came down the HF connector on the ICOM and now it won't turn on.

I'm seriously bummed I didn't think to run downstairs and unplug. Now I'm out 1000 bucks and have a useless huge yagi in the basement.


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