[450] FW: [NH-ARES] NESMC 2m Simplex Frequency Grab - Urgent

George Andrews gandrews at ntplx.net
Thu Dec 19 08:04:33 EST 2013


Another assault on simplex frequencies. I am not opposed to digital amateur
radio in any form. However I do believe in keeping things simple. The
digital stuff is also not cheap. I don't see a real communication advantage
in digital from a cost effectiveness point of view. One could say more
stations can operate in a given slice of bandwidth, but how active are the
current repeaters both digital and analog?


-----Original Message-----
From: nh-ares-bounces at mailman.qth.net
[mailto:nh-ares-bounces at mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Dave Colter
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 7:44 AM
Subject: [NH-ARES] NESMC 2m Simplex Frequency Grab - Urgent
Importance: High

This message is to all simplex users (which means all ARES members),
especially those who have a relationship with their local repeater owners.
As some of you might be aware, NESMC (www.nesmc.org <http://www.nesmc.org/>
), the repeater coordinating group for much of New England, has proposed
taking away many of the simplex frequencies we use both daily and during
emergencies, and using them mostly for new digital repeaters. They have a
sizeable backlog of applications. This also includes the digital (Packet,
NBEMS) frequencies we use, which will become repeater inputs. In effect,
based on their proposal, my analysis shows that we would go from 27 simplex
frequencies down to 14 (including 146.52) so ARES and all other simplex
users would have only 13 frequencies left to work with. 


Here's the urgent part. I was not expecting this to happen before the next
NESMC meeting, but their board has decided to hold an online vote starting
today, possibly to avoid further organizing by simplex users, who have been
largely kept in the dark about this proposal. Only repeater owners who are
members of NESMC can vote, not very fair to simplex users, who are the big
losers here. If you don't want this to happen, please contact your local
repeater owners and ask them to vote NO on this proposal. That is my
personal recommendation, not an official position of NH-ARES, mostly because
of how suddenly this vote was sprung on us.



Dave Colter, WA1ZCN



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