[450] potential hams

Bob n1ujs at toast.net
Tue Jan 3 19:25:51 EST 2012

Hey guys, if you get a chance, there is a group of guys (ex-CBers and one
ham) hanging out on 151.820 in Hebron, East Haddam, and Colchester area
that are really into radio and were quite enthusiastic when I found them.
They have seen my stuff now, and are ready to dive in and go horizontal.
They also are potentially interested in becoming hams as well.  Please stop
in and say "hello" to them if you can hear them, and let them know I (Bob
in Newtown") sent you.  They've been doing this since MURS was opened up
and were thrilled to hear someone "new" finally.  Any guidance you guys can
offer them would be cool.

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